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100°C Single Core Cables DCEYH, DCEYHR, DCEH/3-100 250V, 750V, 1.5kV, 3kV

Article source:http://www.trcables.com/   author:上海嗨润   Release time:2018-01-30 14:29   Browse times:second

100°C Single Core Cables
DCEYH, DCEYHR, DCEH/3-100 250V, 750V, 1.5kV, 3kV

Application :

-Used as power and control cable for protected installations inside and outside of rail and transport vehicles, where handling and installation cost are an important factor.
-Used in control, auxillary and main circuit wiring such as cable harnesses, switchboards and control panels, driver desks etc.

Construction :

Tinned annealed copper wires
Separator (if available)
EPDM insulation
CSM Sheath

 WDZ-DCK/B-100, WDZ-DCK/B-125 250V, 750V

A. Conductor                      B. Insulation                   C. Sheath

Electrical & Mechanical Properties :

Nominal Voltage 250V, 750V, 1.5kV, 3kV
Long-term Working Temperature 100°C
Lowest Operation Temperature -25°C
Minimum Bending Radius 6 x Overall Diameter (OD≤20mm); 8 x Overall Diameter (OD≥20mm)

Fire Performance :

Flame Retardant GB/T18380.1-2001

DCEYH 250V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
0.5 - 0.4 2.8 12 40.1
0.75 7/0.37 0.4 3.2 15 24.8
1.0 7/0.43 0.4 3.2 19 18.7
1.5 19/0.32 0.4 3.5 25 12.5
2.5 19/0.41 0.4 4.3 36 7.59


Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm2 No/mm mm mm kg/km O/km
0.5 16/0.20 0.4 2.8 12 40.1
0.75 24/0.20 0.4 3.2 15 26.7
1.0 32/0.20 0.4 3.2 19 20.0
1.5 30/0.25(48/0.20) 0.4 3.5 25 13.7
2.5 49/0.25(77/0.20) 0.4 4.3 36 8.21

DCEYH 750V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm2 No/mm mm mm kg/km O/km
0.75 7/0.37 0.6 4.0 21 24.8
1.0 7/0.43 0.6 4.1 24 18.7
1.5 19/0.32 0.6 4.4 31 12.5
2.5 19/0.41 0.7 5.1 45 7.59
4 19/0.52 0.7 5.7 63 4.54
6 19/0.64 0.7 6.4 86 3.00
10 49/0.52 0.8 8.6 152 1.78
16 84/0.49 0.8 10.5 243 1.20
25 133/0.49 1.0 13.0 350 0.760
35 189/0.49 1.0 14.5 471 0.535
50 259/0.49 1.2 17.0 624 0.390
70 259/0.58 1.2 19.0 830 0.271
95 259/0.68 1.4 21.5 1137 0.197
120 336/0.67 1.4 23.5 1400 0.156
150 427/0.67 1.8 27.8 1817 0.123
185 570/0.67 1.8 29.5 2186 0.101
240 732/0.64 2.2 34.0 2683 0.0787
300 912/0.64 2.2 37.0 3462 0.0632


Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
0.75 24/0.20 0.6 4.0 21 26.7
1.0 32/0.20 0.6 4.1 24 20.0
1.5 30/0.25(48/0.20) 0.6 4.4 31 13.7
2.5 49/0.25(77/0.20) 0.7 5.1 45 8.21
4 56/0.30(128/0.20) 0.7 5.7 63 5.09
6 84/0.30 0.7 6.4 86 3.39
10 84/0.40 0.8 8.6 152 1.95
16 126/0.40 0.8 10.5 243 1.24
25 196/0.40 1.0 13.0 350 0.795
35 276/0.40 1.0 14.5 471 0.565
50 396/0.40 1.2 17.0 624 0.393
70 380/0.49 1.2 19.0 830 0.277
95 513/0.49 1.4 21.5 1137 0.210
120 630/0.49 1.4 23.5 1400 0.164
150 777/0.49 1.8 27.8 1817 0.132
185 976/0.49 1.8 29.5 2186 0.108
240 1281/0.49 2.2 34.0 2683 0.0817
300 1586/0.49 2.2 37.0 3462 0.0654

DCEH/3-100 750V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
0.5 16/0.20(28/0.15) 0.6 4.4 17 40.1
0.75 24/0.20(42/0.15) 0.6 4.7 21 26.7
1.0 32/0.20(56/0.15) 0.6 4.9 24 20.0
1.5 30/0.25(85/0.15) 0.6 5.4 31 13.7
2.5 50/0.25(140/0.15) 0.7 5.2 45 8.21
4 56/0.30(228/0.15) 0.7 6.8 63 5.09
6 84/0.30(189/0.20) 0.7 7.8 86 3.39
10 80/0.40(324/0.20) 0.8 9.0 152 1.95
16 126/0.40(513/0.20) 0.8 10.5 243 1.24
25 196/0.40(783/0.20) 1.0 13.0 350 0.795
35 276/0.40(1107/0.20) 1.0 14.5 471 0.565
50 396/0.40(702/0.30) 1.2 17.0 624 0.393
70 360/0.50(999/0.30) 1.2 19.5 830 0.277
95 475/0.50(1332/0.30) 1.4 21.5 1137 0.210
120 608/0.50(1702/0.30) 1.4 23.5 1400 0.164
150 756/0.50(2109/0.30) 1.8 28.0 1817 0.132
185 925/0.50(1443/0.40) 1.8 29.5 2186 0.108
240 1221/0.50(1891/0.40) 2.2 34.0 2683 0.0817
300 1525/0.50(2379/0.40) 2.2 37.0 3462 0.0654

DCEYH 1500V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
1.0 7/0.43 0.8 4.9 32 18.7
1.5 19/0.32 0.8 5.3 40 12.5
2.5 19/0.41 0.9 6.2 58 7.59
4 19/0.52 0.9 6.8 77 4.54
6 19/0.64 0.9 7.5 101 3.0
10 49/0.52 1.0 9.5 169 1.78
16 84/0.49 1.0 11.0 250 1.20
25 133/0.49 1.2 13.5 361 0.76
35 189/0.49 1.2 15.0 483 0.535
50 259/0.49 1.4 17.9 651 0.390
70 259/0.58 1.4 19.0 864 0.271
95 259/0.68 1.6 22.5 1177 0.197
120 336/0.67 1.6 24.0 1443 0.156
150 427/0.67 2.0 27.0 1840 0.123
185 570/0.67 2.0 29.0 2211 0.101
240 732/0.64 2.4 35.0 2926 0.0787
300 912/0.64 2.4 38.0 3529 0.0632

DCEYHR 1500V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
1.0 32/0.20 0.8 4.9 32 20.0
1.5 30/0.25(48/0.20) 0.8 5.3 40 13.7
2.5 49/0.25(77/0.20) 0.9 6.2 58 8.21
4 56/0.30(128/0.20) 0.9 6.8 77 5.09
6 84/0.30 0.9 7.5 101 3.39
10 84/0.40 1.0 9.5 169 1.95
16 126/0.40 1.0 11.0 250 1.24
25 196/0.40 1.2 13.5 361 0.795
35 276/0.40 1.2 15.0 483 0.565
50 396/0.40 1.4 17.9 651 0.393
70 380/0.49 1.4 19.0 864 0.277
95 513/0.49 1.6 22.5 1177 0.210
120 630/0.49 1.6 24.0 1443 0.164
150 777/0.49 2.0 27.0 1840 0.132
185 976/0.49 2.0 29.0 2211 0.108
240 1281/0.49 2.4 35.0 2926 0.0817
300 1586/0.49 2.4 38.0 3529 0.0654

DCEH/3-100 1500V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
1.0 32/0.20(56/0.15) 0.8 6.0 32 20.0
1.5 30/0.25(85/0.15) 0.8 6.6 40 13.7
2.5 50/0.25(140/0.15) 0.9 7.6 58 8.21
4 56/0.30(228/0.15) 0.9 8.2 77 5.09
6 84/0.30(189/0.20) 0.9 8.8 101 3.39
10 84/0.40(324/0.20) 1.0 9.8 169 1.95
16 126/0.40(513/0.20) 1.0 11.0 250 1.24
25 196/0.40(783/0.20) 1.2 13.5 361 0.795
35 276/0.40(1107/0.20) 1.2 15.0 483 0.565
50 396/0.40(702/0.30) 1.4 18.0 651 0.393
70 360/0.50(999/0.30) 1.4 19.5 864 0.277
95 475/0.50(1332/0.30) 1.6 22.5 1177 0.210
120 608/0.50(1702/0.30) 1.6 24.5 1443 0.164
150 756/0.50(2109/0.30) 2.0 28.0 1840 0.132
185 925/0.50(1443/0.40) 2.0 30.0 2211 0.101
240 1221/0.50(1891/0.40) 2.4 35.0 2926 0.0817
300 1525/0.50(2379/0.40) 2.4 38.0 3529 0.0654

DCEYH 3000V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
2.5 19/0.41 1.4 8.0 83 7.59
4 19/0.52 1.4 8.6 104 4.54
6 19/0.64 1.4 9.2 131 3.0
10 49/0.52 1.6 11.2 205 1.78
16 84/0.49 1.6 15.5 281 1.20
25 133/0.49 1.8 15.5 410 0.76
35 189/0.49 1.8 17.0 539 0.535
50 259/0.49 2.0 20.0 733 0.390
70 259/0.58 2.0 22.0 954 0.271
95 259/0.68 2.2 24.5 1200 0.197
120 336/0.67 2.2 26.5 1556 0.156
150 427/0.67 2.6 30.0 1966 0.123
185 570/0.67 2.6 32.0 2348 0.101
240 732/0.64 3.0 37.0 3089 0.0787
300 912/0.64 3.0 40.0 3702 0.0632

DCEYHR 3000V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
2.5 49/0.25(77/0.20) 1.4 8.0 83 8.21
4 56/0.30(128/0.20) 1.4 8.6 104 5.09
6 84/0.30 1.4 9.2 131 3.39
10 84/0.40 1.6 11.2 205 1.95
16 126/0.40 1.6 15.5 281 1.24
25 196/0.40 1.8 15.5 410 0.795
35 276/0.40 1.8 17.0 539 0.565
50 396/0.40 2.0 20.0 733 0.393
70 380/0.49 2.0 22.0 954 0.277
95 513/0.49 2.2 24.5 1200 0.210
120 630/0.49 2.2 26.5 1556 0.164
150 777/0.49 2.6 30.0 1966 0.132
185 976/0.49 2.6 32.0 2348 0.108
240 1281/0.49 3.0 37.0 3089 0.0817
300 1586/0.49 3.0 40.0 3702 0.0654

DCEH/3-100 3000V :

Nominal Cross- Sectional Area Conductor Construction Nominal Insulation Thickness Maximum Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance 20°C
mm² No/mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
2.5 50/0.25(140/0.15) 1.4 8.6 83 8.21
4 56/0.30(228/0.15) 1.4 9.2 104 5.09
6 84/0.30(189/0.20) 1.4 10.0 131 3.39
10 80/0.40(324/0.20) 1.6 12.5 205 1.95
16 126/0.40(513/0.20) 1.6 15.5 281 1.24
25 196/0.40(783/0.20) 1.8 15.5 410 0.795
35 276/0.40(1107/0.20) 1.8 17.0 539 0.565
50 396/0.40(702/0.30) 2.0 20.0 733 0.393
70 360/0.50(999/0.30) 2.0 22.0 954 0.277
95 475/0.50(1332/0.30) 2.2 24.5 1200 0.210
120 608/0.50(1702/0.30) 2.2 26.5 1556 0.164
150 756/0.50(2109/0.30) 2.6 30.0 1966 0.132
185 925/0.50(1443/0.40) 2.6 32.0 2348 0.108
240 1221/0.50(1891/0.40) 3.0 37.0 3089 0.0817
300 1525/0.50(2379/0.40) 3.0 40.0 3702 0.0654